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The enchanting Hubbard Trail


The Weston Forest and Trail Association will conduct its next monthly trail walk on Sunday, November 6, 2016. The walk will begin at 2:00 PM and will last about an hour-and-a-half. We will meet at 259 Glen Road. Please park along the street. Tailgate refreshments will be provided following the walk.

The walk will cover the Hubbard Trail system which includes 25 acres of municipal land known as “Burt Field” that was once part of Glen Farm. At the November Town Meeting, the Weston Conservation Commission and Weston Recreation Commission (WRC) will request permanent conservation protection for Burt Field.

A map and more details about the area can be found in Chapter 7 of Walks on Weston Conservation Land by Elmer Jones. This book and a trail map can be purchased at the Conservation Commission office in the Town Hall.

You do not have to be a member of the Weston Forest and Trail Association to join the walk, but please consider becoming a member. Your membership dues support the maintenance and preservation of Weston’s open space. Please bring your friends. Well behaved dogs are welcome, but they must be on a leash.

For more information contact the walk leader, Bernie Scozzafava, (EDIT: contact info removed after walk).

Or, if the weather does not cooperate, there is this:

comic of a guy on a treadmill holding a houseplant in front of his face, captioned "NATURE WALK"

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