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Rail Trail walk


The Weston Forest and Trail Association’s next monthly trail walk will be on Sunday, February 4, 2018. The walk will begin at 2:00 PM and will last about an hour-and-a-half. We will meet in the parking lot of the old abandoned train station off of Church Street (not at active Kendal Green Station!). Tail-gate refreshments will follow the walk.

We will begin by walking east down the abandoned Mass Central train line right-of-way. Our walk leader, Joel Angiolillo, will tell us a little bit of the story behind the Weston Station and the once-active train line between Boston and Northampton. He will also answer question about its current status as a “linear park” and the future plans for a recreational trail down the right-of-way. We will walk east pass the new solar array to the abandoned trestle bridge, returning through the woods of the Sears Land. Snow and cold may slow us down, but it won’t deter us!

A map and more details about the Sears Land can be found below and in Chapter 3 of Walks on Weston Conservation Land by Elmer Jones. This book and a trail map can be purchased at the Conservation Commission office in the Town Hall.

You do not have to be a member of the Weston Forest and Trail Association to join the walk, but please consider becoming a member. Your membership dues support the maintenance and preservation of Weston’s open space. Please bring your friends. Dogs are welcome but must be on leash.

For more information please contact the walk leader, Joel Angiolillo, (EDIT: contact info removed after walk), or check us out on Facebook. And find out more information about the Rail Trail project here.

Here's a map showing the meeting point:

Map of parking location

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