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Introducing the Junior Ranger program!


Today, to mark the first day of fall, WFTA is launching the Junior Ranger program!

The Junior Ranger program is an activity-based program meant to bring a new generation into the unparalleled beauty of Weston's conservation lands. Weston Conservation Land includes over 2,000 acres of land and nearly 100 miles of trails. As part of becoming a Junior Ranger, we would like kids to explore at least some of those places.

Interested kids complete a series of activities around some of the trails and open spaces in Weston's Conservation land, share their answers with the program director, and receive an official Junior Ranger pin and Junior Ranger certificate. Junior Rangers are typically between the ages of 4 to 11, although people of all ages can participate. For kids aged 4–7, you may want to do the Ranger program. If you’re 8+, give yourself an extra challenge with Ranger Plus.

When you have completed all the questions, parents should sign and send the signature page to We would also appreciate all feedback about the program. We will then send a Junior Ranger pin and certificate.

This information can also be found on the Get Outside page.

Thank you for taking care of Weston’s trails, woods and fields. And Happy Equinox!

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