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January 1, 2023: Tour of 80 Acres


Group photo of walkers with snow falling at field in 80 Acres.

Bring in the New Year with us on Sunday, January 1st at 2 PM to explore Cat Rock and 80 Acres. The walk will be easy, with a more challenging option for those who want to hike to the top of Cat Rock. Learn a little about the history of Hobbs Pond, 80 Acres, farming in Weston, the abandoned ski slope, and where the name Cat Rock and 80 Acres comes from. Meet at the ballfield at the end of Drabbington Way.

The walk should last one and a half to two hours. All ages are welcome, as are dogs on leash. Walkers need not be Weston Forest and Trail Association members, but we encourage you to consider joining. WFTA has been hosting Sunday Walks for over 60 years. Please be sure to check our home page for any last minute changes or to become a member. We look forward to seeing you out on the trails!

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