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Want to work outdoors this summer? Join the Weston Summer Trail Crew

Flat trail in dense deciduous woods in high dappled sun.

Weston Forest and Trail and the Weston Conservation Department are looking to hire several part-time Trail Stewards to help us maintain our trails between May and September. The Trail Stewards will walk the trails, often several miles in a day, cutting grass, trimming back vegetation, clearing fallen branches with a hand saw, and doing general trail maintenance.

All necessary tools will be provided, including a cordless string trimmer and lawn mower. Work hours (20 hrs/week) are flexible. Trail Stewards will need to provide their own transportation.

This is an ideal job for someone who wants to work outdoors this summer. Pay is $18/hr. Hours, days, and start and end dates are all flexible.

For more information and an application form contact or

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